Loretta W. - ACT English Writer for Hire
Loretta W. is ACT English Specialist For Hire
Tutor Helps Students Develop Their Unique Learning Styles - Tutor near Miami, FL
Though a classroom can be a wonderful setting for learning, I’ve found that there’s nothing like one-on-one tutoring for helping students strengthen their skills and their grasp of subject matter. Tutoring makes it possible to focus on the individual’s unique needs and learning styles. More can be learned in a shorter time because the student neither has to skim over a lesson in order to keep pace with a group, nor hold back to allow others to catch up. The student is challenged to go beyond hi
Subject list: ACT English, ACT Reading, ADHD, dyslexia, elementary (k: 6th), elementary math, elementary science, English, GED, grammar, literature, phonics, proofreading, psychology, reading, SAT reading, SAT writing, Special Needs, spelling, SSAT, study sk