Jesse H. - ACT English Writer for Hire
Jesse H. is ACT English Specialist For Hire
Discovery and Understanding Tutoring - Tutor near San Diego, CA
Everyone is different and learns from different methods. I look forward to watching children grow in their own time and way. I know I learn and remember better when I find an interesting way to look at something. My tutoring technique stems from finding a positive way to look at every problem. How can we connect this to other problems we have seen in the subject and in our lives. Tutoring isn’t just about teaching a student to recall something, it is about teaching them to be successful lea
Subject list: ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, ACT Science, algebra 1, algebra 2, anatomy, biochemistry, biology, biostatistics, botany, CBEST, chemistry, Common Core, ecology, elementary (k: 6th), elementary math, elementary science, English, GED, geneti